EDUCATIONAL_GEOGRAPHY/HISTORY ALLAMER.LZH 147456 02-15-93 ALL AMERICAN American related programs. Our Constitution of the United States of America in an easy to us menu driven program. The Star Spangled Banner with the words and music. USCities is a listing of 284 cities and their Latitude and Longitude. AMERHER.LZH 344064 02-15-93 OUR AMERICAN HERITAGE 1.0 Collection of the historical documents. For students or any citizen interest in our history. Included in this collection are: the U.S. Constitution, Declaration of Independence (PCX graphic included), the Gettysburg address, and our National Anthem. ATLAS.LZH 294912 02-15-93 ATLAS 2.1 Search by Country, City, Continent. Also lists rivers, lakes, mountains, islands and oceans. Very easy to use. Completely Menu-Driven. Provides a wealth of information. (Requires a hard drive). CHRONOS.LZH 180224 02-15-93 CHRONOS 2.12 & QUILT 1.04 Chronos is a historical timeline program. Add, edit, print or take a quiz. Useful to history and art students, genealogists, teachers, writers, etc. Neat! Quilt uses half square triangles to form patterns. (Quilt requires EGA/VGA monitor). ASP FLAGS.LZH 278528 02-15-93 FLAGS 1991B The flags of the nations of the world are powerful representing the history, beliefs, and hopes of the people of each country. This program displays full-color representations of over 600 different flags. (Requires, 320K, DOS 3.0+, CGA/EGA). (ASP) INTRSTA1.LZH 245760 02-15-93 THE INTERSTATE TRAVELER 1.1 1 of 2 Disks The Interstate Traveler is designed for planning trips across the contiguous United States using the Interstate Highway System and roads you add to the maps. For each day of the trip you specify an origin city, each intermediate city or junction.... INTRSTA2.LZH 196608 02-15-93 THE INTERSTATE TRAVELER 1.1 2 of 2 Disks ....along the way, and final destination. Stops and overnights stays can be scheduled. You can also print an itinerary and estimate expenses of the day. You can add cities, towns, and highways and more! Rqs., 512k, EGA/VGA, HD, DOS 3.3+. ASP MAPIT1.LZH 262144 02-15-93 MAPIT 1 of 2 Disks A detailed, user-extensible world map/graphics notepad. Whether you are a secretary, scientist, salesman, or sea captian, Mapit enables you to investigate, analyze, organize, record, track, reproduce, and communicate your graphical.... MAPIT2.LZH 278528 02-15-93 MAPIT 2 of 2 Disks .... and textual data and concepts in pictures as well as words. A powerful vector-based reference tool. Rqs, 512k, HD, 386SX or better, DOS 5, EGA/VGA, mouse. ASP PRESDATA.LZH 114688 02-15-93 PRESIDENTAL DATA PROGRAM 1.0 Information on the Presidents. From Washington to Regan. Includes info on, birth, death, religion, party, prior occupation, wife, term, vote, cabinet, and more. You can also add your own info. Written to educate and give insight into our Presidents. PRESIDEN.LZH 327680 02-15-93 THE PRESIDENTS 1.7 It provides short biographies of all the Presidents and presents tests and quizzes in various ways so that the user may review in a non-threatening atmosphere. (Requires 2 disk drives or a hard drive). ROADMILE.LZH 212992 02-15-93 ROADMILE Calculates road mileage and straight line mileage from a map. Also calculates Air milelage to different areas around the world. Easy to use. STATES.LZH 81920 02-15-93 ALL ABOUT THE STATES Different levels let you learn states, capitals & facts on each states: geography, history, industry or natural resources. Displays map of the U.S.; then hi-lites 1 state randomly. Keeps record of high score. Nicely done program. STATES.LZH 81920 02-15-93 THE STATES 1.2 The States provides a short history of each state and presents tests and quizzes in various ways. These programs make it fun to learn history. (Requires 2 disk drives or a hard drive). TRAVEL.LZH 344064 02-15-93 TRAVEL POINTS OF INTEREST Travel Points Of Interest searches with geographic areas and with types of interest to find palces you may want to visit. This software has about 1,000 points of interest in the USA. You get names, addresses, types, days open, etc. Rqs, 500k, HD. ULTIGEOG.LZH 147456 02-15-93 ULTIMATE GEOGRAPHY A combination of quizzing and informative functions. Includes testing of states and capitals while displaying them on a graphic map. Statistical information- size, state trivia, average wages, industry, birth, deaths and more! (Requires, EGA/VGA). WORLD29.LZH 180224 02-15-93 THE WORLD V2.97 Multi-purpose world viewing program. View entire globe or zoom on a continent/country/state/city. Locate capital cities, calculates point to points, find countries/notable cities, tracks hurricanes. Much more! Very interesting! Excellent EGA/CGA WORLDNAM.LZH 147456 02-15-93 WORLD NAME GAME 6.01 Teaches the capitals of the nations of the world and US State capitals in relation to surrounding areas. Creates maps centered upon world capitals and challenges the user to identify the city or country. (Requires,CGA) (ASP)